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Maximum technical capacity : Theoretical maximum physical quantity of natural gas that can be carried at one contractual point of the network during one gasday. It does not take into account particular conditions such as maintenance, very low or high temperature... Such capacity does not refer to firm and/or interruptible capacity.

Profile of firm capacity : Capacity that can be offered to the networkusers, taking account of system integrity and the operational requirements of the transmission network.

Contracted firm annual capacity : Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for an annual or a gas season period.

Contracted firm quarterly capacity : Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of three months.

Contracted firm monthly capacity : Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of one month.

Contracted firm intermediary capacity : Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of at least 10 consecutive days.

Available firm capacity : Part of the technical firm capacity that is not allocated as monthly or annual capacity.

Contracted interruptible capacity : Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has been contracted by the network users.

Available interruptible capacity : Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has not been contracted by the network users.